Structures 2

Both the Temple and Western Archives have large collections of photos of Santa Fe structures.   Depots are especially prominent among the structures.  Other structures include Harvey hotels and eating establishments, engine facility structures, section houses, bunkhouses, tool sheds, towers and so forth.

Depots. Although several books cover Santa Fe depots, photos here are some samples of the photos in the Society’s archives.

1927-built 29 x 219 ft. brick 8-room 2-story passenger and  freight modified “county seat” depot Abilene, Kansas, when new.  Pounds collection, Temple Archives.
Circa 1873-built Meriden, Kansas, depot circa 1940. The depot was destroyed by tornado on May 19, 1960, and replaced with a caboose and then a new depot. Hale collection, Temple Archives.










1908-built 22 x 54 ft. wood frame 4-room depot at Byars, Oklahoma,when new.  Hale collection, Temple Archives.
1915-built 54 x 78 ft. east wing + 24 x 75 ft. west wing depot at Kiowa, Kansas, circa 1979.  Pounds collection, Temple Archives.










1887-built 24 x 66 ft.  Jetmore depot in 1973. Depot had been moved to Jetmore from Olney in 1904.  Pounds collection, Temple Archives.
1891-built 24 x 40 ft.  board and batten depot at Ingalls, Kansas, on May 9, 1931.  R.L. Crump/Priest Library, Temple Archives.








1917-built 30 x 181 ft. brick and stucco depot at Ardmore Oklahoma, on October 18, 1940. Pounds collection, Temple Archives.
1914-built 24 x 120 ft. frame depot at Ringling, Oklahoma, on October 18, 1940.Pounds collection, Temple Archives.









1911-built 24 x 144.5 ft. GC&SF Standard No. 9 combination depot at Valley Mills, Texas, modified with large women’s waiting room.  R.L. Crump/Priest Library, Temple Archives.
1893-built 24 x 202 ft. stone and concrete passenger and freight depot at Holbrook, Arizona, on August 18, 1958.  Hale collection, Temple Archives.









California standard 2A Shafter, California, depot circa 1917.  Western Archives.
1907-built depot and Harvey House at Kingman Arizona. Hale collection, Temple Archives.








Other Structures.  Here is a selection of structures other than depots that range from tool houses through various types of living quarters to yard structures and towers.

1882-built 12 x 16 ft. board and batten tool house at Larkspur, Colorado, on May 7, 1931. This is typical of the tool houses built in the 1800s.  R.L. Crump/Priest Library, Temple Archives.
Grade crossing with crossing shanty in Amarillo, Texas, circa 1931.  R.L. Crump/Priest Library, Temple Archives.









Calder Avenue depot at Beaumont, Texas, circa 1921. This was the former General Office Building of the Gulf, Beaumont & Kansas City. Later it housed the Beaumont Division Offices. After the Beaumont Division was merged into the Gulf Division it was the office for operations in Beaumont. R.L. Crump/Priest Library, Temple Archives.
1905-built 40 x 60 ft. wood frame wheel shop at La Junta, Colorado, on May 8, 1931.  R.L. Crump/Priest Library, Temple Archives.








1888-built 16 x 24 ft. single story board and batten boiler house with metal roof at Pinon, Colorado, on May 7, 1931.  R.L. Crump/Priest Library, Temple Archives.









Street and backside of Harvey House at Slaton, Texas, circa 1921.  R.L. Crump/Priest Library, Temple Archives.
1881-built 18 x 30 ft. + 12 x 18 ft. section house at San Antonio, New Mexico, on March 19, 1931.  R.L. Crump/Priest Library, Temple Archives.









Typical section headquarters with standard brick bunk house and standard section house at Castenada, Oklahoma, just north of Boise City on February 5, 1937.  Hale collection, Temple Archives.
1887-built baggage house at Purcell, Oklahoma, in May 1931.  Hale collection, Temple Archives.