Timetables. Among the most useful company documents are timetables, both employee and public. Employee Timetables were printed for each division and updated regularly, often as many as three times a year. In addition, in the interim when changes occurred, supplements were issued only for those portions of a division that were affected by the change. The Society has reprinted employee timetables for the entire system for selected years from the extensive collection in our archives. Here are timetables from two divisions of the coast Lines of the Santa Fe from 1915. Check back to this page, as we will change them regularly. To see the full-size image, click on the thumbnail.
Form 598. Form 598, a booklet of approximately 200 pages, lists all officers, agents, stations, stock yards, and scales of the entire system. Updated periodically, it is a very useful document for researchers. One can find out what officers were in the company, grand division and division headquarters. It also lists all the stations and the agent’s name for all main and branch line districts. In addition, it lists all the stock yards on the system along with size of the pens, capacity of the stock yard track and other pertinent data. Here you will see two pages for each Grand Division from the July 1979 issue. To see the full-size image, click on the thumbnail.
Building Records. The division engineer was required to keep a record of all structures on a division. While the form used differed somewhat on the Gulf Lines and the Coast Lines, all records included location, type of structure, size of structure, material used in the construction, number of stories, number of rooms, when erected, and remarks. Below are some sample pages of Building Records from the Albuquerque Division and he Kansas City and Chicago Terminal Divisions. To see the full-size image, click on the thumbnail.
Joint Facilities Records. These records, in table form or as an index and contract summary, list the facilities that are jointly used with another railroad or railroads. The Society has examples from the late 1960s and early 1970s covering five divisions. It appears that each grand division maintained the records in slightly different formats. The Eastern Lines kept an index in two categories, billing list and voucher list, along with the maps. The Western Lines kept a table and a map. The Gulf Lines maintained a summary record of the contract and a map. The line maps are shown on the maps and charts page. The arrangements with the other railroad is governed by a contract and all details are spelled out in the contract. The remarks section of the record summarizes the important points. The ones here are all from the Southern Division. To see the full-size image, click on the thumbnail.
Industry Track Records. These records, also in table form, list industry tracks that are maintained by the Santa Fe and/or another entity, usually the industry served. Like the Joint Facilities Record, each grand division handled the records a bit differently. The Eastern Lines listed the industries in an index while the Western and Coast Lines maintained a table. The Gulf Lines only had an index of stations referring to a map. The arrangements are spelled out in a contract. The remarks also summarize important points of the contract. There can also be a line map for industries with these records. The line maps are shown on the maps and charts page. To see the full-size image, click on the thumbnail.