Santa Fe’s Early Diesel Daze 1935-1953


By John B. McCall.  (Very Limited Quantities Remain)

“The story of first generation diesel power on the Santa Fe Railway and the process by this they brought about the honorable retirement of the steam locomotive.”  This book is a review of Santa Fe’s experience with early diesel power.  It begins with a chapter on M.190’s Children: Pre-1935; moves on to “Amos and Andy and the AlCO: 1935-1937,” “Streamliners and Yard Goats: 1938-1940,” “War Babies: 1941-1950,” “Post War Patterns: 1946-1950,” and “The Geeps Do It: 1951-1953.”  The books is notable for its many fine photographs of early diesel locomotives and includes a roster.

A classic.  Very limited number available on first-come, first-served basis.  270 pages hardbound.

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