Philmont Metcalf Station Project

a unique collaboration opportunity between sfrh&ms, the boy scouts of america and philmont scout ranch!

The Society is collaborating with Philmont Scout Ranch, operated by the Boy Scouts of America in northeastern New Mexico on the Santa Fe’s historic Ute Park line, to build a camp, called Metcalf Station, for Scouts and Venturers to learn and experience some of America’s railroad history and the important role that the railroads and the Santa Fe played in the development of the Southwest.  So far, over 3000 Scouts have participated in the project!

project vision

Philmont is constructing a replica of the historic Cimarron & Northwestern Railway that operated on the Philmont property in the early 1900s.  The original railway ran from Cimarron, on the Santa Fe’s Ute Park line, through the North Ponil Canyon for approximately 22 miles.  The C&N operated from 1907 until 1932 as transportation for the logging operation of the Continental Tie & Lumber Company.

The project will include building a replica station, using Santa Fe 1910 “Standard” depot plans, an operating telegraph with offices at the depot and at the southern “end of track,” and a track laying camp.  Scouts and Venturers will participate in a variety of activities.  At the station, Scouts will learn how track gangs constructed track in the early 1900s and will build new track.  Staff at the depot will wear period costume, eventually lead a museum talk, and provide a campfire program with period and railroad specific themes in the evening.


Philmont is looking for the following items to help build out the Museum exhibit.  Please coordinate with both Eric Hiser, the Society’s project coordinator ( and Philmont if you can help!

Philmont Metcalf Station needs