About the Santa Fe Historical Society

Livestock Operations on Model Railroads

with an emphasis on the ATSF

May 5, 2013

Stock Car Models


The Santa Fe modeler has many choices for prototype models. Three manufacturers produce kits for 15 different classes of Santa Fe stock cars.

Intermountain makes the SK-Q, R, S, T, and U in plastic. These represent 1800 cars built in the 1920s. For the rivet counter, only the K brake R and the AB brake U are 100% correct. The review on the Intermountain site below will go into detail.

Westerfield makes the SK-L, N, and P, with the M and O due in 2013. They also make the SK-2 and 3, and with the addition of a Branchline diagonal panel roof and Apex running board, the SK-5. The reason for this combination is that all were made from BX-3 and BX-6 box cars, cars that were virtually identical. The major difference between te SK-2, 3, and 5 is the roof: SK-2 has a Flexible Metal roof, SK-3 a radial roof, and SK-5 a diagonal panel roof. 2871 SK-2s and 3s were produced between 1942 and 1950. 1300 more SK-5s were added in 1952-53.

Sunshine makes the SK-Z and SK-4, nearly identical cars because they were made from FE-P/T furniture cars. The difference is the roof: SK-Z is Flexible Metal, SK-4 is radial. 200 SK-Zs were made 1941-42 with 200 SK-4s produced 1949-51. Their added height makes them stand out in a consist. Unfortunately the availability and future of Sunshine is uncertain at this time.

The Santa Fe live list can be seen here. A live list by percentage of fleet can be seen here.

Below is a review of HO models.


Accurail (GN)


Athearn (UP)

Bachmann (UP)

Bowser (PRR)

Broadway Limited (PRR)

Central Valley 1001 (NP)

Intermountain (ATSF)

Life-Like / Varney


Main Line Models

Mantua (Original) /Tyco

MDC / Roundhouse

Model Power / Roco

Northern Specific Models

Proto 1000 Fowler (from Canada)

Proto 2000 Mather (Various prototypes)

Red Caboose (SP prototype)

Star Line

Sunshine (Prototypical, Resin)

Taurus (OSL)

Train-Miniature / Walthers

Union Pacific Historical Society (UP)

Westerfield (Prototypical, Resin)

Anyone with updates or additions is asked to contact the webmaster.

Stock Cars of the Santa Fe

For transition era modelers

Class1951 1953 Note Kit
SK-K420391Coke/stock, most rebuilt 
SK-L348275± Coke/stock, Most rebuilt Westerfield 11501, 11552 - 2007-08 only
SK-M 482 481 Convertible 
SK-N 365 275± Coke/stock, Most rebuilt Westerfield 11502, 11552 - 2007-08 only
SK-O 488 485 Convertible  
SK-P281 125± Coke/Stock, Most rebuilt Westerfield 11502, 11552 - 2007-08 only
SK-Q 242 242 Convertible Sunshine 56.1, Intermountain
SK-R 490484 Sgl deck Sunshine 56.2, 3, Intermountain
SK-S 241240 Dbl deck Sunshine 56.4, Intermountain
SK-T493490 Sgl deck Sunshine 56.5, Intermountain
SK-U297295 Sgl deck, last new Sunshine 56.6, Intermountain
SK-Z197196 <FE-T Sunshine
SK-0217381700± <BX-3, 6 Westerfield 7601
SK-0311191100± <BX-3, 6 Westerfield 7602
SK-04--- 198 <FE-P, T, Convertible


SK-05 --- 1300 <BX-3, 6 Westerfield 7601 with Branchline diagonal roof and Apex metal roofwalk

Compiled by J. Stephen Sandifer

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