The Santa Fe modeler has many choices for prototype models. Three manufacturers produce kits for 15 different classes of Santa Fe stock cars.
Intermountain makes the SK-Q, R, S, T, and U in plastic. These represent 1800 cars built in the 1920s. For the rivet counter, only the K brake R and the AB brake U are 100% correct. The review on the Intermountain site below will go into detail.
Westerfield makes the SK-L, N, and P, with the M and O due in 2013. They also make the SK-2 and 3, and with the addition of a Branchline diagonal panel roof and Apex running board, the SK-5. The reason for this combination is that all were made from BX-3 and BX-6 box cars, cars that were virtually identical. The major difference between te SK-2, 3, and 5 is the roof: SK-2 has a Flexible Metal roof, SK-3 a radial roof, and SK-5 a diagonal panel roof. 2871 SK-2s and 3s were produced between 1942 and 1950. 1300 more SK-5s were added in 1952-53.
Sunshine makes the SK-Z and SK-4, nearly identical cars because they were made from FE-P/T furniture cars. The difference is the roof: SK-Z is Flexible Metal, SK-4 is radial. 200 SK-Zs were made 1941-42 with 200 SK-4s produced 1949-51. Their added height makes them stand out in a consist. Unfortunately the availability and future of Sunshine is uncertain at this time.
The Santa Fe live list can be seen here. A live list by percentage of fleet can be seen here.
Below is a review of HO models.
Accurail (GN)
Bachmann (UP)
Broadway Limited
Central Valley 1001 (NP)
Life-Like / Varney
Main Line Models
(Original) /Tyco
MDC / Roundhouse
Model Power / Roco
Northern Specific Models
1000 Fowler (from Canada)
2000 Mather (Various prototypes)
Caboose (SP prototype)
Sunshine (Prototypical,
Taurus (OSL)
/ Walthers
Union Pacific Historical Society (UP)
(Prototypical, Resin)
Anyone with updates or additions
is asked to contact the webmaster.
Stock Cars of the
Santa Fe
For transition
era modelers
Class | 1951 | 1953
| Note | Kit |
SK-K | 420 | 391 | Coke/stock,
most rebuilt | |
SK-L | 348 | 275± |
Coke/stock, Most rebuilt | Westerfield 11501, 11552
- 2007-08 only |
SK-M | 482
| 481 | Convertible | |
SK-N | 365 | 275±
| Coke/stock, Most rebuilt | Westerfield
11502, 11552 - 2007-08 only |
SK-O | 488
| 485 | Convertible
| |
SK-P | 281
| 125± | Coke/Stock,
Most rebuilt | Westerfield 11502, 11552 - 2007-08
only |
SK-Q | 242
| 242 | Convertible
| Sunshine 56.1, Intermountain |
SK-R | 490 | 484
| Sgl deck | Sunshine
56.2, 3, Intermountain |
SK-S | 241 | 240
| Dbl deck | Sunshine
56.4, Intermountain |
SK-T | 493 | 490 |
Sgl deck | Sunshine 56.5, Intermountain |
SK-U | 297 | 295
| Sgl deck, last new | Sunshine
56.6, Intermountain |
SK-Z | 197 | 196
| <FE-T | Sunshine |
SK-02 | 1738 | 1700±
| <BX-3, 6 | Westerfield
7601 |
SK-03 | 1119 | 1100± |
<BX-3, 6 | Westerfield
7602 |
SK-04 | ---
| 198 |
<FE-P, T, Convertible | Sunshine
SK-05 |
--- |
1300 |
<BX-3, 6 |
7601 with Branchline diagonal roof and Apex metal roofwalk |
by J. Stephen Sandifer