About the Santa Fe Historical Society

Livestock Operations on Model Railroads

with an emphasis on the ATSF

January 31, 2012

AHM / Tempo/

AHM has produced at least five different stock cars.

40' Version 1

Version 1 is labeled ahm / Tempo and is marked Yugoslavia. It has a metal or plastic frame, metal door guides, 3/4 ends, and separate ladders. No known prototype.

40' Version 2

Bill Wright collection

Bill Wright believes this to be an AHM car, but has no further details. Prototype unknown.

Old Time Version, model 6113C

This is a humorously terrible car.

40' Double Deck, model 5275

These were made by AHM in the 60s, then released by Model Power and now by Roco. The early AHM had separate ladders but the later productions have cast on ladders. They are very common at swap meets and on ebay.

The prototype is NYC 28000-28499 (Lot 757-S) convertible stock cars rebuilt from USRA SS box cars in 1947. The model has the deck lifting mechanism on both sides of the car; the prototype only had this on the left side of the car. It is also 15" too wide. A second group of cars, NYC 27200-27399 (Lot 766-S) were converted to fixed double deck cars in 1948. AHM offered this car in just about every scheme except NYC. An excellent kitbashing article by William Sharpe appeared in the March 1997 RMC. The NYC model pictured above has been built following the kitbashing article.

Narrowed end on left, original car on right.

The Warbonnet, 4/2001, shows how to use this car for the basis of an ATSF SK-Z, but it can't compare with the Sunshine kit.

50' Car, Model 5421, also sold by Mehano

This double deck car says it was built in 1964 with hydra-cushion underframe. It appears to be a shortened and crude version of SP Class S-70-1 cars built in 1964. The SP units had 6 additional panels, three on each side of the center. Only two cars were ever built, SP 78000 and 78001. Photos can be found in Southern Pacific Freight Cars, Vol. 1, by Anthony W. Thompson.

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