About the Santa Fe Historical Society

Livestock Operations on Model Railroads

with an emphasis on the ATSF

January 17, 2012

Central Valley #1001

Jim Sands Photo, 1966

This is a Northern Pacific stock carbuilt between 1930-36. Many of these cars lasted in revenue service well into the 1970s and traveled very widely. Use Champ HC-112 or A-Line 21100 for decals - they're made specifically for this kit. See Model Railroading, October, 1987

NP 82500-82749, Built 1936, NP's Laurel shops;

NP 82750-83249, Built 1931-1932, NP's Como shops

NP 83250-83499, Built 1930. Ryan Car Co. of Hegewisch, IL (later the Chicago factory of the Pressed Steel Car co.)

This is a highly detailed, flat, unpainted kit. You will need to supply your own decals. This makes this kit a little more difficult to build that the standard Red Caboose, Proto 2000 or Intermountain kit.

NP Society end on the left, CV end on the right.

A problem with the kit is that the body is about 1'3" too wide. If you are going to all the trouble to build one, go the the NP society website and purchase new ends that are of the correct width. You can cut down the roof and underbody to match.

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