Early Issues of Capital Stock
Being some notes on stock subscriptions and stockholders
of the Company prior to its reorganization in April, 1879.
With a supplement listing all the stock issued prior
to the Trustee's sale.
Elinore McDonough
Galveston, Texas
May 25, 1927
Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company was incorporated by
an act of the Legislature of the State of Texas, passed May 28,
1873, and which became a law without the signature of the Governor.
Section 19 of the Act provided that it should take effect from and
after its passage. The following sections of the Act have special
reference to the capital stock:
"Section 1 - Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of
Texas, that J. P. Palmer, Albert Somerville, P. J. Willis, I. C.
Higgins, W. H. Ledbetter, J. L. Darragh, Leon Blum, A. C. McKeen,
W. K. Little, E. Sterling, C. Robertson, Frank W. Latham, Thomas
Allen, B. O'Connor, W. E. Scott, E. Pelot, I. S. Catlin, M. A. Bryan,
Wm. Wagner, B. H. Bassett, J. W. Carroll, J. L. D. Morrison, George
Lawrence, Wm. R. Smith, N. B. Yard, C. E. Broussard, M. Kopperl,
and John S. Sellers, and their associates, be and they are hereby
appointed Commissioners to open books and receive subscriptions
to the Capitol Stock of a corporation hereby created, to be styled
the 'Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company'."
"Section 2 - That a majority of the Commissioners shall constitute
a Board for the transaction of busiiness, and shall hold meetings
from time to time, until Directors shall be elected as provided
"Section 3 - That at the time of subscribing to the Capital Stock
of this Company, not less than five per centum of the amount subscribed
shall be paid in."
"Section 4 - That the subscribers to the Capital Stock of this
Company are hereby created and established a body corporate and
politic, under the name and style of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa
Fe Railway Company; with capacity to contract; to sue & be sued;
to plead and be impleaded; to have succession, a common seal; to
grant and receive; to make and enforce by-laws, and perform all
things necessary to maintain their rights under this Act."
"Section 5 - The Capital Stock of this Company shall be Two Millions
of Dollars, to be increased by a vote of two thirds of the Stockholders,
representing two thirds of the stock, to such an amount, not exceeding
Seven Millions of Dollars, as may be requisite to carry out the object
of this Company, divided into shares of One Hundred Dollars, each
share to entitle its holder and owner to one vote in all meetings
or election of Stockholders, and a majority of the stock shall govern,
except in cases otherwise specially provided. The shares of stock
shall be deemed personal property, transferable only on the books
of the Company."
"Section 6 - The direction and control of said corporation and
its affairs shall be vested in a board of not less than seven nor
more than thirteen Directors, to be chosen by the Stockholders at
an annual meeting, the first of which shall be held in the City
of Galveston, whenever Two Hundred Thousand Dollars shall have been
subscribed, & five per cent thereof paid in. The principal office
shall be in the City of Galveston, with the right to establish branch
offices for the transfer of stock, and for Assistant Treasurer to
pay interest on bonds and other purposes, in any city out of this
"Section 9 - Any agreement in writing to subscribe for stock may
be enforced according to the terms of the subscription, and unless
payment be made, the Directors, after thirty days due notice, may
sell said delinquent stock, and transfer the shares of said delinquent
to the purchasers."
"Section 13 - That the first meeting of this Company shall be
called in the City of Galveston, whenever Two Hundred Thousand Dollars
of the Capital Stock shall have been subscribed, by giving sixty
days public notice in two or more newspapers published in the counties
through which this Railway is to pass, and the Stockholders shall
then proceed to elect Directors, who may be residents or nonresidents
of the State of Texas, who shall hold office until the annual election,
which shall take place at the Company's principal office in the
City of Galveston on the first Tuesday of October each year.-----------"
"Section 18 - The Commissioners appointed in the first section
of this Act may acquire, by gift or purchase any real estate or
other property notes & bonds either from indidviduals, corporations,
towns, counties or cities, and may appoint an agent to receive subscriptions
of stock and conveyances, until the election of a Board of Directors,
after which such powers may be exercised by said Board of Directors."