About the Santa Fe Historical Society

Reefer Operations on Model Railroads

with an emphasis on the ATSF

March 13, 2005


R-50-B PRR

The Pennsy had 550 of these high speed express reefers and used them heavily into the late 50s. They were 54'6" long and rode on PRR standard 4-wheel cast steel passenger trucks, class 2D-P5. When not needed for refrigerator duties, express reefers often carried dry express shipments. They were common on the ATSF Fast Mail and Grand Canyon, among other trains. Click here for more information.

The MP had 330 of these cars. 217 were in used in 1940 but they were quickly retired so that only 2 were left by 1951.

Early in 2005 they also released a model of the GACX express reefer used by many lines. Walthers has these cars in a variety of paint schemes, some bogus and most date sensitive. The largest user was the REA with 891 still in use in 1951.

The Railway Prototype Cyclopedia, Vol. 7 and 9 are excellent in describing both of these and other Express Reefers.

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