Argentine to Marceline. - Engine 547, Baldwin
Balanced compound, seventy-three inch drivers. Engineer A. F. Barnes.
Distance, 108 miles. Time, 2 hours 1 minute. Average speed, 54 miles
per hour.. Road generally level.
Marceline to Shopton. - Engine 542, Baldwin Balanced compound,
seventy-three inch drivers. Engineer R. Jones. Distance, 112.8 miles.
Time, 2 hours 3 minutes. Average speed, 55 miles per hour. Grades,
short and undulating.
Shopton to Chillicothe. - Engine 510, Baldwin Balanced compound.
Engineer C. Losee. Distance, 104.7 miles. Time, 1 hour 41 minutes.
Average speed, 62.3 miles per hour. Grades undulating; maximum,
31.68 feet per mile.
Chillicothe to Chicago. - Engine 517, Baldwin Balanced compound.
Engineer C. Losee. Distance, 134.3 miles. Time, 2 hours 12 minutes.
Average speed, 61.0 miles per hour. Delayed at South Joliet 4 minutes
on account of hot crank pin on engine. Ran slow through Joliet yard
and into Chicago. About 18 miles of ascending grade just east of
Chillicothe, maximum 26.4 feet per mile. Otherwise line is undulating
with easy grades.
Some remarkable bursts of speed were made on this trip, especially
on the eastern end where the Balanced compounds were used. The highest
speed was recorded between Cameron and Surry, 2.8 miles, Engine
510 covering the distance in 1 minute 35 seconds, the equivalent
of 106.1 miles per hour. On descending grades in the mountain districts,
speeds exceeding 70 miles an hour were occasionally recorded.